Monday, September 20, 2010

Jerry Jones Should Wait No More: Time to Can Wade Phillips

Filed under: Chicago Bears, Cowboys, Sports Business and MediaHenry Kissinger once said, "Whatever must happen ultimately should happen immediately."

Jerry Jones, who fancies himself the world's leading football diplomat, needs to listen.

He is going to fire Wade Phillips. You know it, I know it, Lindsay Lohan and Paris Hilton know it after Chicago beat Dallas on Sunday.

So why wait until another Cowboys year ends with mascara tears running down those cheerleaders' faces? Jones should immediately do what will ultimately happen.

He won't, of course. That would be admitting he made a mistake when he extended Phillips' contract. It would also revive a familiar Dallas dilemma.

Do you hire a proven coach who will run things the way he wants? Or would Jones hire a bobblehead doll who will run things the way Jerry wants?

History has shown what works. But, unlike Kissinger, Jones is no student of history.

He ignores it in pursuit of his dream -- a Super Bowl title that is 100 percent Jerry-fied. It must be won by a coach who is merely a cog in the Great Cowboy Machine built, of course, by the architect from Arkansas.

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